Fort Myers, FL 33966
FL: (239) 771-8771
Amherst, NY 14226
NY: (716) 881-1500
Class Action Recovery Service (CARS)
….specializes in identifying companies that are entitled to share in refund settlements and class action litigation funds.
CARS serves as the eyes and ears for our clients, working on behalf of our clients by identifying and alerting them of settlements which they may be entitled to submit a claim.
Through efficient customer service, we make it quick, easy, efficient, and of minimum bother to you.
Our knowledge of current judgments and settlements is the foundation for the confidence we have built among corporations all throughout the United States.
Class Action Recovery Service (CARS)
….specializes in identifying companies that are entitled to share in refund settlements and class action litigation funds.
CARS serves as the eyes and ears for our clients, working on behalf of our clients by identifying and alerting them of settlements which they may be entitled to submit a claim.
Through efficient customer service, we make it quick, easy, efficient, and of minimum bother to you.
Our knowledge of current judgments and settlements is the foundation for the confidence we have built among corporations all throughout the United States.